In case of emergency, call 911—ask the County Sheriff to dispatch TRSAR.

Technical Rope Rescue Training

Rumsey Park

Sign off skills for newer members, working on system setup, convert to MA, passing knots.

Sheriff’s Office Christmas Party

American Legion Hall

2021 Gila County Sheriff's Office Northern District Christmas Party.  All Sheriff's Office employees, volunteers and families.  This is a potluck so bring your best dish. You can participate in the gift exchange...$10 max...please label male or female and collect a ticket when you come in. The gift exchange is optional.

Technical Rope Rescue Training

Rumsey Park

Rumsey Park.  Edge kits, main and  belay set up and passing knot on belay side will be covered.

Swiftwater Training

East Verde Estates

Polar Bear Plus day:  East Verde Estates. Make sure your cold water gear is dialed in. We also are going to build a rope system across the river, probably a track line so that people can check their performance in the cold. Training starts at 0800.

K9 Track/Trail Training


Contact Susan Starr for information regarding this event.  Use ERM to obtain contact information.

Technical Rope Rescue Training

Flowing Springs

Flowing Springs - first parking area. Covering:  systems, rappelling, rescue configurations, TSO/Control and Safety Officer familiarization and practice.

K9 Track/Trail Training


Contact Susan Starr for information regarding this event.  Use ERM to obtain contact information.

Canyoneering Training

Arizona Rock and Canyon Adventures will be instructing at Tom's Thumb.